Welcome To The Living Word Liberation Centre
We are glad you can get to know more about us. We believe you will be blessed as you read through our content, finding every information both enlightening and useful. More so, if you have a call or a desire in your life to make impact and to change lives for Christ, LWLC is a great place for you. Here, you find the platform to grow, raise disciples and build the leaders of tomorrow. Join us in this great task ahead, fulfill your ministry as you help us fulfill ours.
Pst. Frank Abu,
Senior Pastor, LWLC RCCG Southampton
To advance the force of God’s kingdom in the liberation of many from the rulership of darkness, raising fruitful disciples whose impact transcend their generation.
Consecration | Service | Excellence | Compassion | Tenacity
We communicate Christ with boldness and are never afraid or ashamed to share our light and life in Christ no matter the cost.
Blog Sneak Peek
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